Installing Azure CLI on Linux Mint 19
Installing Azure CLI on Linux Mint 19
Installing the Azure CLI on Linux Mint 19 isn’t much different that what is required for Ubuntu. The biggest difference of note is that the command lsb_release -cs cannot be relied upon at all because it will not return an Ubuntu distro name, but a Linux Mint distro name. Start by modifying the directions found here to match what is below. Make sure to add the key in the directions above, if my previous blog post about [].NET tools on Linux Mint 19]( was followed, then adding the key isn’t necessary as it will already exist, that is the same if Visual Studio Code is already installed too.
$ echo "deb [arch=amd64] bionic main" | sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/azure-cli.list
$ sudo apt update
$ sudo apt install azure-cli
After executing those steps with putting bionic in as the distro name the Azure CLI should be working. Thanks for reading.
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